Saturday, March 7, 2009

Quiz due monday --Balmer Series

This is a take-home quiz that is due Monday (at the beginning of class):

Balmer Series Quiz, Due Monday March 9, 2009

In the emission and absorption spectra of a hydrogen atom gas, sharp lines are seen at the following wavelenghts: 656 nm, 486 nm, 434 nm and 410 nm.

1. Determine the light frequency (in Hz) corresponding to each of these wavelengths.

2. a) Sketch a spectroscopy set-up for an absorption spectrum, and then graph:
b) a reference spectrum, and c) an absorption spectrum (intensity vs frequency). Start your frequency axis at zero for both graphs. For the absorption spectrum there is a gas of cold atoms in the beam; for the reference spectrum there are no atoms in the beam and no sharp features.

3. Sketch a spectroscopy set-up for an emission spectrum, and graph an emission spectrum (intensity vs frequency) for the same four line sequence. For an emission spectrum the light source is a hot gas of H-atoms.

4. Using h= 4.14 x 10^-15 eV-sec, calculate the energy of a photon at each of these four frequencies in eV. eV (electron-Volts) is a energy unit which is good for atoms.)


  1. For number 4, does "at each of these four frequencies" refer to the frequencies we get in number 1? Just want to make sure..
