The role of the prism is to separate the photon beam into its different colors; before the prism all the photons are moving together in a single light beam. After the beam goes through the prism, whatever colors are present are separated, as shown.
The moving aperture allows only one frequency (color) to pass though at a time. As it moves it scans through the spectrum. The graph shows the Intensity measured at the detector as a function of frequency.
An absorption spectrum is the complement of this. The atoms are located in the beam and instead of emitting photons they absorb photons in a process opposite to that of emission. That is, the electron starts out in a low-energy state of the atom and goes to a higher energy state. A photon is anihilated (absorbed) in this process, thus energy is conserved via the equation E1 + hf = E2, where E1 is the energy of the state the electron starts in and E2 the energy of the state it goes to. hf is the energy the photon gives to the electron, after which the photon ceases to exist. (This is a "zero sum game". )
This leads to dark "absorption" lines, in an otherwise broad and featureless reference spectrum. These dark lines are due to the quantum absorption process described in the preceding paragraph. Using the energy it gets from the photon, the electron makes a quantum leap upward to a higher energy state.
Zack, can we get some details on what our final will look like?
ReplyDeleteAlso, will we be getting a type of study guide for the final?
Things that will be covered on the final include energy, potential energy, very simple electrical circuits; the difference between metals, semiconductors and insulators; and the nature of atoms, electron states in atoms and atomic spectroscopy, including the material we are covering now on that. I will put together a study guide by Thursday (this week). If you want to get a start on studying before then, I would very much recommend beginning a careful read of all the posts on this blog that discuss a particular topic, e.g., Notes on...
ReplyDeleteThat will be recommended in the study guide.
Also reviewing homework problems, particularly those pertaining to the material mentioned above,is of value.
And also posts with the phrase "what we should know", as in "Atoms: what we should know" parts I and II...
ReplyDeletePlease feel free to post questions regarding any of those posts or related material. Perhaps we can get some helpful discussion going here. You are encouraged to post questions, responses, etc. that may help other students in your class, as well as yourself. There is no scarcity of good grades; everyone can get an A in this class.
when is the final?
ReplyDeleteCould we have a final review in place of the normal homework review tomorrow? (thursday) That would be very helpful!
ReplyDeleteyes definitely. That will be at 6 PM today, right?
ReplyDeletesorry... when is the final again?
ReplyDeleteThe final is
ReplyDeleteThursday, March 19th, 4:00-7:00pm