Friday, January 16, 2009

Homework 2

For homework 2, please do the following book problems:
Ch 6: Problems 5 and 7
Ch 7: Problems 4 and 9 and
*Calculate how much energy it requires to ride a very efficient bicycle up a hill for which the elevation change is 300 meters. Assume the bike has a mass of 10 kg and the person has a mass of 50 kg. Extra credit if you calculate this in joules (the default) and then convert that into kilocalories, which are what is conventionally refer to as calories when describing the energy content of food.
Chapter 8: Problems 4 and 5 (see interactive figure 8.18, Torque and Equilibrium)
Ch 10: Excercises 2, 3, 11, 34 and Problems 1 and 3*
*double credit for "the bike problem" and problem 3

as well as the following on-line work at the Pearson "10e" site:
tutorial on energy (Ch 7)
tutorial on projectile motion (Ch 10)
tutorial on orbital motion (Ch 10)
the tutorials on Black Holes and on Tides are extra credit. (They seem very interesting.)

Also at the Pearson site please do the END OF CHAPTER quizzes (these are under "chapter features").
Chapter 7 ( the answer to 7 is 0.25)
Chapter 10: (the answer to 7 is "yes both would increase)

This is due next Friday. Please post any questions here for quick, cogent answers and discussion. Questions, and responses to questions, are appreciated.


  1. I would like some help with problem 4 for chapter 8. I'm not sure what the problem is asking for exactly?

  2. I went online and did the tutorials for homework #1 and all my work got saved. I did the same thing for HW assignment #2, and I found that I was unable to save my work for the tutorials I had completed. Later I relized that only Newton's Second Law tutorials were saved. I kept on redoing the tutorials and still no luck. What do you suggest I should try?

  3. miyou - is it telling you that the work isn't saving?
    when you enter the tutorial is it still asking if you would like to save?

  4. Mgirl - this one confused me at first as well. The way I conceptualized it was to picture the situation upsidedown, so it was like a seesaw.
    Then you can ask, what do the two forces need to be to balance the torque of this "seesaw"? These would be the "additional reaction forces..." they are asking for.

  5. so is this homework due on the 23rd or the 30th?

  6. The HW is due on the 23rd.

    Mgirl: Regarding Ch 8, problem 4, I think what they mean when they say "additional reaction force" is the reaction force due to the truck (neglecting the mass of the bridge, since that is not "additional"). That is maybe the first confusing thing. Then they are asking, what are the upward forces at the endpoints due to the truck. Well, the truck weighs 10,000 N, so the reaction forces must total to 10,000 N and, because of the position of the truck on the bridge, the force on the right will be only 1/4 of the total. The force on the left will be 3/4 of the total. Does that make sense? I appreciate your question.

  7. do we only do the quizzes for chapters 7 and 10, or is it 7 through 10?

  8. I am having problems finding the answer to number 34 in chapter 10. Where could in chapter 10 could I find this answer? Also I have a discussion at the same time homework help if offered. Is there any way to add an aditional hour of homework help?

  9. I have the same question as jreinage14, and also, the extra credit tutorials do need seem to be recordable how do we show we did them?

  10. my tutorial results for chapter 8 says it's incomplete... but i've done it about 5 times- just to see if it would save- it still comes up as incomplete... any suggestions?

  11. Bravo: you are only required to do the tutorials for ch. 7 and ch. 10. Otherwise, when you start the tutorial, make sure you select "yes".

    I am also wondering if we need to do all of the end of chapter quizzes or just 7 and 10.

  12. The tutorial for chapter 8 was not assigned.

    In general, I think it is true that some tutorials do not seem to be recordable. It should be the same for everyone and we will sort this out. The tutorials I selected are the ones that i thought seemed of most value for learning the material. I think they are worthwhile whether they record or not.

  13. Nataly, 10:34 says, "two planets are never seen at midnight. Which two? Why?"

    To approach this, I would try drawing a solar system, the sun, earth and some other planets. Then think about what midnight means in terms of where you are on the earth relative to the sun at midnight. See if that helps. You can assume all planet orbits are circular, though that doesn't matter much it makes it a little less complex.

  14. elliot-
    It doenst tell me it's not saving but when i go to grade tracker or w/e it just wasn't saved...
